Neem oil Azadirachta indica is one of the original medicines  native to India, having been used for over 4,000 years and is used today in local pharmacy’s in towns and villages. All parts of the tree are used, including the leaves and twigs for tea and the seeds for oil and meal, the oil of neem is antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, antiseptic and anti parasitic. This is a very strong smelling oil, I particularly do not like it but but many people do like it including a family member who I make a cream up for, he has psoriasis and finds it very good so made a new batch this week so fresh in my mind to talk about.

Neem oil used topically and  diluted with another vegetable oil this time I choose Argon oil ( we will talk about this oil next week ) to avoid irritation and three essential oils are fantastic, topically neem oil can treat athletes foot and fungal conditions, kill bacteria, when used in soaps and salves and can be used as an insect repentant, neem oil contains vitamin E and essential fatty acids that moisturise and regenerate the cells of the skin, as one of the most active fixed oils neem is a valuable healer and deserves respect.