Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage

Massage can be traced back thousands of years, it was one of the principal means of healing and relieving pain, some scriptures date back to 3000 BC.

The core of head massage lies in its unique way of communicating without words. Its like entering a previously inaccessible inner sanctuary for the purpose of healing and recreation. This state of rest is wonderful helping you to replenish and revive, melting away your stresses and strains.

Traditionally Indian head massage is performed seated but it can be delivered lying down on a plinth.

What to expect:
A consultation will be taken and treatment consists of neck shoulders, arms, hand, and upper back massage then the head is treated last. Treatment can be over clothes or without upper body clothes you will be covered in a towel. Treatment can consist of oil blends or not depending on personal preference.

Treatments usually last one hour.

To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. – William Londen

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