What is Aromatherapy

What is Aromatherapy

The term Aromatherapy is used to describe a particular branch of herbal medicine, it is coined from two words, aroma meaning a pleasant smell and therapy meaning a treatment that aims to cure a physical or mental condition, literally it means treatment using sent. The...
Comfrey Plant to Oil

Comfrey Plant to Oil

COMMON COMFREY (SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE) Common Comfrey grows as high as 1.5m and is  commonly found  growing wild in the midlands countries of Ireland  in ditches and damp locations, its  also known as bone knit,  Comfrey was  used in traditional medicine as a treatment...
Life with Essential Oils

Life with Essential Oils

For as long as I can remember essential oils were a part of my life, my Mother was a Beauty Therapist & Aromatherapist among other things, so it was a natural progression for me to become a Clinical Aromatherapist. Over the last 30 years I have been guided to work...